why are these people so goddamn stupid?
your game is a great stress reliever, especially when the little guy symbolizes someone you hate, such as mattbaker, who said
"Made me puke and this is to all of you that like that game. How would you like it if that was you"
for one thing, it's called THE TORTURE GAME 2 and its ranked MATURE for EXCESSIVE VIOLENCE. if that bugs you, fuck off.
for another thing, to quote:
"How would you like it if that was you"
hmm.. i don't know, i'm not a drawing of a guy in a flash game.
now for the actual review; i'm only giving criticism because flaws are whats on my mind; just because i dont verbally acknowledge that its a great game, it doesnt mean i dont think it is.
erratic rippings
whenever i grabbed a limb and tried to rip it off, the limb jitters around spastically and rips in undesired ways.
weak paintbrush/razor.
whenever i want to remove flesh/ color things, i always have to do it painfully slowly, so whenever i'm trying to make "art" out of him, it always takes 4 times longer than it should.
no sword?
it can't be THAT hard to program it in there, and itd make the game a lot more fun.
health adjusting?
it'd add SOMETHING
making him attempt to escape would be fun :D
perhaps you could turn this into a fighting game: have two of these guys get one of the weapons, like a chainsaw or razor, and have the two ragddolls duke it out. it'd probly be really laggy, but still really fun.